PT. Pos Properti Indonesia

"Be Possible"

Who we are?

PT. Pos Properti Indonesia, established on December 31, 2013. The main task is to optimize all property assets of Pos Indonesia.

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Our Business

Building Management

Building Management is one of our core businesses.  We are not only  maintaining the building, but we are also responsible for the cleanliness and the security of the building, so the tenants will feel comfortable and safe in the building.  

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Building Tenancy

As we know that Pos Indonesia has thousand of buiding assets throughout Indonesia from east to west. Many of them are occupied by Pos Indonesia for their operation purposes, some others are used as official residences. But not a few are also unused.

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Another way to increase the value of an asset is to develop the asset into a commercial building. For the last four years, Pos Property Indonesia has successfully developed various types of building related to hospitality business, such as Boutique Hotel, Co Living and Co Working Space.

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Property Development

Property development is another Pos Properti Indonesia's core business. At the moment we are developing low cost housing in Cikarang, Bekasi.

In the future, we are going to develop strata title apartments and office building In Jakarta, Bandung, and Palembang.

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